Ep. 34 | Finding Your Frequency and Muscle Testing with Nichole Hirsch Kuechle, PSYCH-K, MBSR-P

Ep. 34 | Finding Your Frequency and Muscle Testing with Nichole Hirsch Kuechle, PSYCH-K, MBSR-P

September 04, 20245 min read

Ep. 34 | Finding Your Frequency and Muscle Testing with Nichole Hirsch Kuechle, PSYCH-K, MBSR-P

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Are you familiar with muscle testing? This unique and insightful method of understanding what our bodies need—or don't need—can have a significant impact on our health.

In this episode of the podcast, I had an eye-opening conversation with Nichole, an experienced educator and practitioner in foundational medicine. With over 28 years of experience, Nichole uses muscle testing to guide her treatments, providing her clients with effective, natural health solutions. In this blog post, we’ll dive into key highlights from our discussion, exploring Nichole's journey, the fundamentals of muscle testing, and its practical applications.

Nichole also is also the Founder of Method of Intentional Inquiry, Founder of My Healthy Beginning, a Holistic Health Practitioner, and Clinical Master of Muscle Testing.

The Journey into Muscle Testing

Nichole's path to muscle testing was a long and winding one, full of experiences that gradually built the foundation of her current practice. Her passion for health began early. By age 10 or 12, she knew she wanted to be a doctor. However, life had different plans, leading her to become a craniosacral therapist, a birth and postpartum doula, and eventually, a renowned practitioner of muscle testing.

Her mom's battle with cancer during her high school years served as a significant turning point. Nichole realized she didn't need to become a traditional doctor to fulfill her dream of helping others. Instead, she chose to leverage her skills to develop deep, nurturing relationships with mothers and families, providing them with non-invasive, holistic health solutions.

What is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, is a diagnostic tool used to assess the body's energy fields and determine what might be causing imbalances. According to Nichole, muscle testing works as our body's own neurofeedback system, helping to analyze the health of different organs, glands, and tissues.

The basic principle behind muscle testing is evaluating the body’s response to various stimuli. A "lock muscle" occurs when the body is strong and a muscle remains firm under pressure, whereas an "unlock muscle" indicates a point of weakness or stress. For instance, holding something beneficial like a cucumber might result in a lock muscle, whereas holding a bag of jelly beans—laden with sugar—might cause the muscle to unlock, indicating it's not good for the body.

The Importance of Addressing Emotional Stress

One of the most compelling parts of our conversation was Nichole's emphasis on addressing emotional stress before diving into any other health concerns. She believes that emotional health is foundational, often manifesting physically if left unaddressed. This approach enables a more holistic healing process, allowing for more effective treatments that address the root causes, not just the symptoms.

She highlighted that starting with emotional health can be a game-changer. Ignoring it often leads to festering unresolved issues that can make other treatments less effective. Nichole uses a combination of muscle testing, supplements, and therapies to address these underlying emotional stressors first.

A Golden Hour for Self-Care

Nichole shared a pivotal practice that has become a cornerstone of her own self-care: her "golden hour." Each morning, she dedicates an hour to sitting in her special chair, journaling, reading, and using a device called Healy, which employs frequency therapy. This time has become incredibly valuable for her well-being, offering a space to recharge and reflect.

She encourages mothers and practitioners alike to carve out similar self-care routines, even if it's just a few minutes a day. This practice has had profound effects on her health, enabling her to be more present and effective in both her personal and professional life.

Dealing with Mold and Lyme Toxicity

Late into our conversation, Nichole opened up about her and her daughter’s battles with Lyme and mold toxicity. Their journey through chronic illness underscored the importance of holistic health care and the body’s remarkable ability to heal when given the right tools. This met Nichole at a time when she was already under remarkable stress and had to manage a full practice. Her experience is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of holistic approaches to health.

Empowerment through Knowledge

One unique and invaluable resource Nichole offers is an at-home healthcare manual. This guide empowers families to take charge of their health with practical tools and natural remedies. From castor oil packs to muscle testing techniques, the manual is packed with knowledge Nichole has gathered through decades of practice and living a holistic lifestyle

Final Thoughts

Muscle testing is more than just an obscure practice—it’s a life-changing tool that offers deep insights into our health. Nichole's journey and expertise shine a light on a path towards holistic well-being that is accessible and effective. Whether you’re a curious mom, a health practitioner, or someone navigating chronic illness, there are lessons here for everyone.

If you’re interested in learning more or want access to Nichole's at-home healthcare manual, click here.

Remember, your health journey is unique. Embrace the tools and knowledge that empower you to live your best life!




  • At Home Healthcare Manual

  • The Healy is a small but very versatile device (controlled by your Apple or Android smartphone) that uses Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field for many important areas of life. 

    HEALY device

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Are you a busy mom seeking balance and wellness? Join me on this journey towards vitality and holistic health. I understand the challenges of juggling endless tasks while striving for a healthier life.

In this podcast, we dive into the nitty-gritty of everyday struggles. From battling fatigue to navigating gut health, I'm here to offer holistic solutions. Say farewell to feeling overwhelmed and let's bring in that vibrant life you've been craving.

I'm Allison, a Holistic Health and Wellness Coach. I've been right where you are, facing the same hurdles. Through faith and functional medicine, I reclaimed my gut health, energy, and well-being. Now, I'm on a mission to help other moms break free from exhaustion and prioritize their health.

This podcast is your haven, providing actionable insights, functional medicine expertise, and tailored lifestyle strategies. Let's unravel the secrets together, empowering you to thrive in motherhood while nurturing your well-being, guided by faith.

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